Choosing the type of transport in the working class in Colombia: An analysis by region


In this paper we analyzed the variable type of transport used by workers in different regions of Colombia. This variable, with respect to the theory, was consolidated into 3 large categories':' Non-Motorized Private, Motorized Private and Motorized Public. Factors such as age, sex, income, among others, were taken into account and the theory of non-ordered multiple choice models was used in order to know the behavior of each of the explanatory variables by type of transport. It was found that the central region is 10% more likely to use private non-motorized transport than the Caribbean region. Motorized public transport is more likely to be chosen in the Bogotá region compared to the Caribbean region, as is the Antioquia region. Meanwhile, the Central and Pacific regions decrease their probability of choice. Future transport demand studies should begin to look more closely at the accessibility of certain areas of the city, understood as the capacity or ease of access to the site, in the different modes of transport.

Libre Empresa, 16 (2), 65-79


Orlando Joaqui Barandica
Orlando Joaqui Barandica
PhD Industrial Engineering

My research interests include energy markets, business analytics, quantitative finance, applied econometrics and statistical, and data visualization.
